At his moment Jay it´s my favorite moment character, also, did you guys' plan to sell the puppets? I really would like to get those shits in my desk.
Anyway, nice job.
Oh man this is fucking amazing, smells like a future new Newgrounds icon, go like you go guys, I love it.
Any spooky month´s is getting better than the last.
One more time, Sonic show us a very important lesson fella.
All of us in Newgrounds believe in you Funkin Crew.
All posible reactions for this team.
You guys planning remake the entire saga?
I do not currently, that could change on the future but not for now.
Better than any anti smoking ad.
So funny and unjust, like the game.
I don´t care if this game takes 3 years more, Newgrounds never disappoint with his creative n´ interesting games. Cheer Up guys.
- Newgrounds Lover and INDIE GAMES.
- Creator of The Adventures of Wade #1.
- Artist, Writter and Animator in progress.
Juan Pablo II
My Parent´s house.
Joined on 1/6/23